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screenprint (most); relief (woodcut - small black goat, large grey goat)
40x30in (large prints); 15x11in (johnny cashmere, yellow checkered goat, black woodcut goat); 12x11in (space goat)


about the series

Mountain Flower Goat Dairy — a magical farm where goat camp takes place during the summers and visiting hours are free and open to the public. It was at this farm in Boulder, Colorado where Ariel first met Johnny Cashmere, a spry goat with an exquisite name. Upon interaction with the kids (baby goats) of this farm, Ariel instantly knew she found her calling. Ariel’s series of goat prints takes on a humorous approach to portraiture. She focused on the gesture and poses of each figure, with the goal of creating a relationship between the viewer and the subject of her work.

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In this series, Ariel explored the sensibilities of goats with the goal of conveying that emotion in her work, especially through the expressive quality of her mark making along with the dynamic and unique line work.


Meet the maker

The why, the how, the where.